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Proforma Mentoring

Proforma Mentoring Agreement

Both mentor and mentee will be required to download the Mentoring Agreement, a copy of which is set out below, sign and submit the Agreement via email as evidence of their agreement to the terms of the program. This should only be done once the IRSNSW has notified both parties they have been successfully matched. 

This agreement between ________________________ (mentee) and ________________________ (mentor) provides the personal commitment of each party towards the success of the mentoring relationship.

The Relationship

By agreeing to the mentoring relationship, both the mentee and the mentor understand the objectives of the program and agree to participate in the program in a conscientious and professional fashion.

Mentor Commitments

It is agreed that the mentor will, as appropriate:

    • Act as a sounding board for ideas from the mentee.
    • Assist the mentee to network with appropriate groups and individuals.
    • Provide guidance and direction to the mentee.
    • Provide advice where necessary and assist with devising a career development strategy where appropriate.

Throughout the mentoring relationship, the mentor will:

    • Engage in direct and personal conversations either in person or by other means as agreed between both parties.
    • Assist the mentee to determine the most useful and desired goals.
    • Provide a safe, yet challenging environment for the mentee to promote exploration and discovery.
    • Seek feedback from the mentee and review mentoring outcomes achieved against the set goals.
    • Remain respectful, professional, and responsive.
    • Comply with the IRSNSW mentoring code of conduct when engaged in their mentor role.

Mentee Commitments

Throughout the mentoring relationship, the mentee will:

    • In collaboration with the mentor, set the interim activities to be carried out between mentoring sessions and action these activities to obtain the full benefits from this mentoring program.
    • Demonstrate a willingness to be actively involved and committed to mentoring.
    • Participate with an open mind and readiness to move forward.
    • Come prepared and on-time to all mentoring sessions
    • Be open to challenging and confronting thinking, behaviours and feelings that support development goals during mentoring sessions.
    • Be open to feedback for development.
    • Remain respectful, professional, and responsive.
    • Comply with the IRSNSW mentoring code of conduct when engaged in their mentee role.


Any specific information discussed or issues raised during the mentoring relationship will be on a strictly confidential basis.

Either party may maintain file notes on the progress of mentoring sessions and will ensure complete confidentiality of this information except in rare circumstances where it is decreed by law or as agreed between the parties for a specified purpose.

Early termination of the mentoring relationship

Whilst it is expected that the mentor and mentee commit to the 4-month period for the mentoring program, it is understood that either party may not wish to remain in the program for the duration. If this occurs, the person wishing to end the relationship will need to notify the other and the IRSNSW.

We have discussed:

    • Logistics – we have identified: communication methods, frequency of meetings, location, and duration.
    • Mentoring – we understand the ‘no fault exit clause’ and agree to ‘check in’ with each other throughout the mentoring period to track progress and ensure that goals are being achieved.
    • Challenges – we have identified and discussed the possible challenges to our mentoring program and how we can prevent or manage these challenges, including any limits or constraints that will affect our interactions and how we can handle these.


We agree to meet regularly over the duration of the 4-month period of the mentoring program, unless agreed otherwise. At the end of this period, we will complete the program evaluation to review progress and determine learning outcomes.

If we choose to continue the mentoring relationship beyond the 4-month program period, we will agree the basis for continuation and mutually determine new goals and terms. Any continuation of the mentoring relationship will be driven solely by us and without the formal framework of the IRSNSW mentoring program.

If either party believes the mentoring relationship is no longer productive or the learning situation is compromised, notification will be given to the IRSNSW, and the mentoring relationship will be concluded without fault on either the mentor or mentee’s part.


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Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales Incorporated
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